The Tallest Animal

· Animal Team
Giraffes are interesting creatures known as the tallest animals on Earth, reaching heights of 4.8 to 6 meters.
They have lovely expressions and eye-catching fur with spots of different shapes. But there's more to giraffes than just their height and appearance.
Here are eight interesting facts about giraffes that you might not know.
1. Don't sleep too much
Despite their big size, giraffes don't need a lot of sleep. They rest for only 2 to 3 hours a day and can even manage with just 5 to 7 minutes of sleep at a time.
They've learned to sleep while standing up in the wild, which helps them quickly escape from danger. If they lie down, their long necks form an arch, making it less safe for them.
2. Super long tongues
Giraffes have very long tongues, as long as their necks! These tongues, up to 50 centimeters, come in handy while munching on their favorite food, acacia leaves, as they can skillfully avoid thorns.
They also use their tongues to clean their ears and noses, as well as remove thorns from their skin.
3. Spots and age
The spots on a giraffe's skin can show how old they are, especially in males. The darker the spots, the older the giraffe. Males' fur color also tells us when they're ready to mate.
4. Unique spot patterns
Just like human fingerprints, giraffes have completely unique spot patterns. No two giraffes look the same. These spots help them hide, regulate their body temperature, and recognize each other. Interestingly, the shape of these spots seems to be passed from mother to son, though we're not sure why.
5. Thirst Tolerance
Giraffes can handle thirst very well. They can survive for days without water because they can drink up to 45 liters at once when they find water. This adaptation helps them go up to three weeks without water in dry places.
6. Surprisingly Fast
Despite their size, giraffes are pretty fast. They can run at speeds of up to 50 km/h for short distances. However, they get tired quickly. For longer journeys, they can maintain a steady pace of 10 km/h.
7. Don't Yawn
Giraffes are the only mammals that don't yawn. Their mouths have a special shape with fur covering them. Unlike camels, their upper lip isn't split and is much longer, so they can't yawn like other animals.
8. High Blood Pressure
Giraffes have really high blood pressure, about three times that of adult giraffes. This isn't a disease; their tall necks require higher blood pressure to pump blood to their brains effectively.